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 iiMedia Research:Anta is the most favorite national sports shoes brand in China

iiMedia Research:Anta is the most favorite national sports shoes brand in China



Author:ran fulin

According to the report released by iiMedia Research, the consumers mostly rely on internet for knowing of sneaker and wear, 47.7% of consumers from the official website of brand, and 39.4% from social platform.

In terms of purchase channels, physical stores and comprehensive e-commerce are the two most choices to buy sports wear. imedia Research said that as online shopping of sports shoes and clothing has become more and more popular and expects to replace the mainstream traditional physical store, but in recent years the rise of new retail sales may make the offline store return again.

Data from iiMedia Research report shows that in 2022, 51.3% of White-collar consumers preferred Anta, the domestic brand of sports shoes, following by Li Ning that is 50.7%, and Hongxing Erke is 43.4%. 24.3% of consumers favorite 361 Degrees, and Qiaodan is 24.1%.





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