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 Wang Zhentao is honored as the "2022 Person of the Year for Top 10 Chinese Brands

Wang Zhentao is honored as the "2022 Person of the Year for Top 10 Chinese Brands



Author:ran fulin

The 17thChinese brand Festival took place in Beijing on January 8, which was organized by TopBrand Union. Under the theme "Who Wins Respect for China", the summit revealed the list of person of year for Chinese brand, Wang Zhentao president of Aokang Group, is one of them won the honored the "2022 Person of the Year for Top 10 Chinese Brands ". Aokang Group also won the award of China Comfortable Men's Shoes" on the brand festive.

After more than 30 years of development, led by Wang Zhentao Aokang Group is alisted company with business offootwear, biology, finance, culture and travel, etc. Aokang Group is also listed as Top 500 of private enterprise in China. Nowadays Aokang Group has the capability to go out into the world for competition.





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